Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Historical State of CA Rocky Intertidal Ecosystem

Historically, the California Rocky Intertidal ecosystem was very diverse with many different organisms and creatures flourishing. The Rocky Intertidal zone is the area between the high tide of the ocean and the low tide in places with rocky crevices and holes where organisms can live. The different tidal zones and pools along the Pacific coast are all distinct based off of many features: the type of rock, the powerfulness of the waves in that area, the accessibility to the coast, and many other ways. From the time California was being developed as a state to now, the Intertidal ecosystem has evolved mainly due to human impact and the ecosystems accessibility to humans. In that way, the California Rocky Intertidal ecosystems in less populated places represent more of the way Intertidal zone was historically. Most of the Rocky Intertidal zones were unharmed and unchanged in the past with the original plants and animals being able to compete with other organisms to flourish.

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